Best Non-Surgical and Surgical Hair Treatments for Hair HossMar 06, 2025Dr Meshkin has extensive experience in all different types of hair loss treatments. During the consultation, he will determine the cause of hair loss and recommend best surgical treatments. For many individuals, non surgical treatment is an option.Continue reading →
Benefits Of Partially Shaved FUE Hair RestorationFeb 25, 2025A partially shaved FUE hair transplant has many benefits, one of which is reduced downtime. Patients with long hair can avoid the awkward post-operative look that often accompanies full head shaving, thereby reducing the recovery time associated with FUE.Continue reading →
Non Surgical Hair Treatments such as Rogaine and propeciaFeb 13, 2025Some of the most popular hair loss restoration treatments are non-surgical. At Meshkin Medical, we recommend a variety of hair treatments such as Minoxidil, Propecia, Hair treatment compound solution, Hair vitamins, PRP, Acell, and Stem cell injections. Continue reading →
How to Maintain Your Beard Transplant Feb 07, 2025Male pattern baldness is a widespread problem that millions of men struggle with, but it can also affect hair in other areas, like your beard. We offer beard transplants to deal with this problem, and here’s how to care for it once it’s done.Continue reading →
Female and Male Eyebrow HairtransplantFeb 06, 2025Eyebrow hair transplant has recently become a popular choice in hair restoration. Whether you are looking to restore your eyebrow, thicken, or reshape, an eyebrow hair transplant is a natural and permanent answer to transform your eyebrows.Continue reading →
Weight loss Injectables and HairlossJan 30, 2025Many factors contribute to hair loss, one of the most common in the past few years has been nutritional deficiency. If you plan to diet, make sure you consult with a hair restoration specialist and a nutritionist to prevent hair loss as a result of diet.Continue reading →
What to Expect After Your Dermal Fillers AppointmentJan 22, 2025Signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin can change how you look at yourself. Read on to find out how we can help with dermal fillers and what you should expect after your first treatment.Continue reading →
Women’s hairloss and how we can help Jan 17, 2025Hair loss can be thought of a men’s problem but 40 percent of women also suffer from Hair loss. Female hair loss is usually caused by many factors. There are many hair loss treatments that are availble for female hair restoration. Continue reading →
Hair Transplant and Hair Restoration Overview Jan 08, 2025As demand for hair restoration solutions rises, hair transplant become the best option for treating hair loss. It is essential to know the benefits and risks involved in different types of procedures. Here is review of your options to make right decision.Continue reading →
FUT And FUE Hairtransplants And Other Hair Restoration TreatmentsDec 26, 2024Hair loss affects more than 6 million men and 4 million women in the United States annually. Once the first signs of hair loss appear, it could be stressful. Fortunately, many treatment options are available for hair loss both medically and surgically.Continue reading →
Maintain Your Mane: A Few Habits to Add to Your RoutineDec 18, 2024Your hair is something everyone sees when you approach them, so it’s always a good idea to keep it looking nice and healthy. Sometimes hair that looks unhealthy is down to not maintaining basic habits. Read on to find out more.Continue reading →
Beard Hair Restoration and Eyebrow Hair TransplantDec 13, 2024As the popularity of a thick beard and eyebrow grows, so does the popularity of a beard and eyebrow hair transplant. In the past few years, there has been a surge in beard and eyebrow hair transplantation using FUE hair restoration with great results.Continue reading →
Male Pattern Hair loss And Hair Restoration TreatmentsDec 05, 2024Hair loss is a common concern for both men and women. The good news is with modern advancements in hair restoration, you can get your hair back naturally. At Meshkin Medical Hair Restoration, we use the latest techniques to help you with your hair loss.Continue reading →
Happy New Year! Start Off Confident with PropeciaDec 04, 2024If you’re looking to start the new year with a new look, what better way to get things going than to have more lustrous, healthy hair in places you’ve lost it? Propecia® is a medication that can help you get your hair back and start the year right.Continue reading →
Hair Loss In Women and Hair Loss Treatment OptionsNov 21, 2024Hair Loss affects women, and it can be devastating. There are many treatment options for women. Depending on the cause of hair loss, a hair restoration specialist can recommend a hair transplant or medical hair treatment options.Continue reading →
Difference Between FUE and FUT HairtransplantNov 15, 2024We often get asked about different harvesting techniques FUE and FUT hairtransplant. FUT refers to a strip of hair that is harvested and FUE hairtransplant refers to each unit harvested one by one. Each has pos or cons and should be discussed with surgeon.Continue reading →
Minoxidil: Here's What you Need to KnowNov 13, 2024Hair loss is a reality to millions of people for many reasons, but minoxidil helps to not only grow hair back, but it keeps you from losing hair. If you’re interested in trying it, here’s what you should know first.Continue reading →
What Vitamin Supplements Can I Take to Maintain My Hair? Nov 12, 2024When it comes to keeping hair healthy and strong, there are many treatments and products out there. However, you can actually help your hair with the use of some vitamin supplements. Read on to find out more.Continue reading →
Is ACell Therapy Right for Me?Oct 21, 2024Your hair is something you style and take pride in, so when hair loss comes along, it’s often difficult to accept and manage. If you’re looking for a way to regrow thinning and balding hair, ACell therapy may be the solution for you.Continue reading →
What's the Difference Between FUE and FUT Hair Restoration Procedures? Oct 21, 2024If you struggle with receding hair and other forms of hair loss, you now have more hair restoration options than ever. Two hair transplant procedures are FUT and FUE. But what are the differences between the two, and how do they help?Continue reading →
Facts and Myths About Propecia® Hair Growth MedicationSep 24, 2024Hair loss is something millions of people deal with, and Propecia® is a solution that helps, but there’s some confusion about the drug if you’ve never used it. Learn more about this hair growth method to separate fact from fiction.Continue reading →
Selecting the Right Hair Restoration Treatment for YouSep 24, 2024Losing small amounts of hair is normal, but thinning hair and a receding hairline affect how you see yourself. Fortunately, there are solutions to help you get the hair you want back. Here’s how to select the best hair restoration treatment for you.Continue reading →
Disappearing Eyebrows? We Can Fix That for the Long TermAug 14, 2024There are a number of reasons the hair in your eyebrows may thin or fall out, but if you want to get your hair back and keep it for years to come, we can help. Read on to find out how.Continue reading →
How to Treat Bald Spots on Your BeardAug 13, 2024Losing hair is not unusual as you get older, but why does it affect your beard, and what can you do about it? Find out more about what we can do to help. Continue reading →
Learn About Our All-Natural, Surgery-Free Hair Loss Solutions (Acell & PRP)Jul 11, 2024As a field of medical science, regenerative medicine focuses on enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself. Nonsurgical hair restoration is an exciting application that stimulates growth in an all-natural way. Continue reading →
Why Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Is the Gold Standard for Treating Hair LossJul 09, 2024FUE is a versatile, effective treatment for various hair loss, providing a long-lasting solution. With advanced technology and personalized treatment plans, FUE stands as the gold standard in hair restoration. Here’s why.Continue reading →
Solutions for Stress Related Hair LossApr 06, 2023Transform your hair from stress-stricken to stunning with our expert solutions for stress-related hair loss As a hair restoration specialist, Dr. Meshkin has seen firsthand the impact that stress can have on hair loss.Continue reading →
Beard Hair TransplantApr 06, 2023Beard Hair Transplant for Men Imagine having a full, thick beard that makes you feel confident and masculine. It's time to take action and achieve the beard you deserve with Men Beard Hair Transplant - Maximum Coverage & Density.Continue reading →
Best Hair Loss Treatments for MenOct 12, 2022Hair loss in men is usually caused by genetics or the environment. The most common cause of Male Pattern Hair loss also known as Androgenetic Alopecia is genetic and it is inherited.Continue reading →
Best Foods for Hair GrowthSep 22, 2022Studies show eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals may help promote hair growth, especially if you’re experiencing hair loss due to poor nutrition.Continue reading →
Difference Between FUT and FUE Harvesting Techniques for Hair TransplantAug 18, 2022We often get asked about different harvesting techniques available for hair transplant procedures. In order to give the best advice, it is best to see the patient and make an evaluation of the number of grafts needed...Continue reading →
Hairtransplant Is A Lifetime Investment Jun 27, 2022Many People suffer some thinning and baldness throughout their lives, which can have a negative impact on their appearance. Most people feel insecure and suffer from a lack of confidence if they have thinning hair...Continue reading →
Growth Rate and Characteristics of Transplanted Hair Vs. Normal HairMay 10, 2022There are always questions about how hair that is transplanted grows and if it follows the normal hair growth pattern. There are many areas that the transplanted hair can be harvested from and depending on the area...Continue reading →
Stress Related Hair LossSep 01, 2021There are many factors that can cause hair loss. The most common is hereditary, but emotional stress can also contribute to temporary or permanent hair loss. With so many experiencing stress during the pandemic...Continue reading →
Can Smoking Cause Hair Loss?Aug 16, 2021Smoking tobacco has been linked to many illnesses in the past, and recently many wonder if hair loss can also be linked to smoking. In a recent study there was a connection between smoking and male pattern hair loss.Continue reading →
Hairline Lowering Using Hair Transplant for Men and WomenAug 04, 2021Hair transplant surgery has become very popular among men and women in the past few years. There are many celebrities that have done hair transplants to reshape their face with optimal results.Continue reading →
Common Causes of Hair Loss Other Than GeneticJul 21, 2021Hair loss can be extremely stressful both for men and for women as it can have psychological and emotional effects. Although the most common cause of hair loss is genetic, there are other less common causes that can be problematic.Continue reading →
What You Need to Know About Hair LossJun 24, 2021Hair loss affects more than 6 million men and 4 million women in the United States every year. Once the first signs of hair loss appear it could be very stressful.Continue reading →
Natural Hair Products for Hair LossJun 14, 2021Finding the perfect hair products to work for your individual hair type can be challenging as there are so many different products that claim to be effective. However, the most effective products are the ones that stimulate growth and nourish hair...Continue reading →
How to Choose the Best Hair Restoration Specialist for Your Hair LossMay 14, 2021With the popularity of hair transplantation on the rise, so many doctors are adding hair transplant to their practice as a side job. As so many non specialized doctors start to offer hair transplants, clients wonder if all hair transplant surgeons...Continue reading →
Best Candidates for Hair Transplant SurgeryNov 06, 2020Hair restoration is going through a very important evolution that is improving both the naturalness and fullness that can be achieved from one or two hair transplant procedures.Continue reading →
Can Hair Transplant Be Done Multiple TimesOct 09, 2020In recent years a lot of research has been done to find the cause for hair loss and its nature and characteristics. Hair loss is usually genetic in nature and with this type of hair loss, hair follicles which are sensitive to DHT male hormone...Continue reading →
Non Surgical Options for Young Individuals With Male Pattern Hair LossSep 24, 2020In order to make an accurate assessment of the causes of hair loss in men, a comprehensive analysis should be done to find the cause and the best treatment options. If the hair loss is at the initial stages...Continue reading →
Hair Transplant Surgery During Coronavirus PandemicSep 10, 2020Hair transplantation has become very popular within the last few years. In the last few months, many people are considering hair transplant surgery but they are afraid to do the procedure during the coronavirus.Continue reading →
New Beard and Eyebrow Hair Transplant ProceduresAug 31, 2020As the popularity of thick beard and eyebrow grows , so does the popularity of beard and eyebrow hair transplant. In the past few years there has been a surge in beard and eyebrow hair transplantation world wide.Continue reading →
Weather Changes and Hair LossAug 04, 2020There are many causes of hair loss and the most common is genetic. However there are other less common causes of hair loss one of which is weather changes.Continue reading →
How Long Does Coronavirus Stay on the Hair and Should We Be Concerned?Jul 17, 2020There are many clients who wonder about their hair and Coronavirus. Although there is no particular studies done to find the length of time the corona virus stays on the hair or if it affects hair loss at all...Continue reading →
Computer Use and Hair LossJun 29, 2020Although there is no scientific proof of a cause-and-effect relationship between computer use and hair loss, medical experts have noticed a higher percentage of hair loss amongst IT employees with long periods of time...Continue reading →
Female Hair Loss Best Treatments at Initial StagesJun 10, 2020For the most part women are unaware that they are losing hair every day. If hair is healthy and heredity is on their side then the hairs that fall off will usually be replaced by new hair and hair loss will not be noticeable.Continue reading →
At What Age and What Stage of Hair Loss is Hair Transplant a Viable OptionMay 27, 2020Currently in the USA, approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing forms of hair loss is Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss (MPHL).Continue reading →
Non Surgical Hair Treatments for Initial Phases of Hair LossMay 01, 2020Currently in the USA, approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing forms of hair loss is Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss (MPHL)...Continue reading →
Best Hair restoration Treatments for Hair Loss Orange CountyApr 08, 2020Some consider the hair to be the most aesthetic part of the face and as such hair loss can be psychologically very devastating. A primary reason for seeking hair restoration is to restore your appearance to the condition before hair loss.Continue reading →
Hair transplant Cost Newport BeachFeb 20, 2020In the recent years hair restoration surgery has become very popular amongst both men and women. Although many desire to do the surgery, they are reluctant to do so due to the high cost of any cosmetic procedure.Continue reading →
Hair Transplant Post Op Care and MaintenanceFeb 06, 2020Hair transplant is a very safe and relatively minor surgical procedure. The surgical procedure is very easy and it is done in an office setting with local anesthesia. The actual procedure may take a few hours and the discomfort...Continue reading →
The Best Medical Hair Treatment Options for Hair LossJan 13, 2020Due to its progressive nature any hair treatment option should be offered considering future hair loss. A great hair restoration specialist would consider future hair loss and offer a comprehensive approach.Continue reading →
PRP and ACEll for Hair Loss Treatment for Women and Young MenDec 23, 2019There are many different non surgical options that are available at initial stages of hair loss for both men and women. One of these options include stem cell regeneration using PRP or the Plasma Rich Platelet and Acell injections.Continue reading →
History Of Hair Restoration Surgery Transformation And Latest DevelopmentsDec 05, 2019Hair transplantation has gone through major transformation over the past years. The earliest reported hair transplant was reported in the late 1800s, and since then hair restoration has transformed into one of the most sought...Continue reading →
What to Expect On Day of Hair Transplant and After CareNov 27, 2019Holiday Stress and Hair Loss Hair transplantation has become very popular within the last few years. The transformation from the old plugs to the new modern hair restoration procedures has made it safe...Continue reading →
Holiday Stress and Hair LossNov 18, 2019There are many factores that can cause hair loss. The most common is hereditary, but emotional stress can also contribute to temporary or permanent hair loss.Continue reading →
Winter hair Tips: Dos and Don'tsNov 05, 2019With the winter season and cold weather just around the corner, many people are experiencing dry and itchy scalp. If you naturally have dry scalp and hair, winter is when things get worse for most people.Continue reading →
Foods Essentials For Healthy HairOct 25, 2019Like any other organ in the body hair needs food to grow, so it is important to know the quality and quantity of various nutrients necessary for healthier hair. If nutrition is a factor in hair loss a good balanced diet is the best way to correct it.Continue reading →
Are Hair Vitamins "Miracle Cures" For Hair Loss?Oct 14, 2019There are many undocumented claims in the hair product industry for Miracle Cures for hair loss. Lately there are companies or self proclaimed hair gurus on social media platforms that circulate the perception that Vitamins can cure or reverse...Continue reading →
Latest News On A Cure For Hair LossSep 24, 2019There are many different hair treatment option both surgical and non surgical for hair loss, however cure for hair loss has been very challenging. Of all the parts of your body, hair seems to be the simplest to multiply or treat...Continue reading →
Is Hair Loss Progressive?Sep 13, 2019Hair growth undergoes a cyclic process, during this cycle the loss of up to 100 strands a day is within a normal range. They will grow through the cycle and eventually grow back. Continue reading →
What is FUE Hair Transplant? 2Sep 03, 2019FUE hair transplant surgery is a harvesting technique that has been introduced in hair restoration field as an alternative to the traditional strip hair transplant. A qualified hair restoration surgeon uses a small punches of various sizes to isolate...Continue reading →
Will Only Method of Harvesting Effect the Overall Hairtransplant Result?Aug 15, 2019In the recent years there has been discussions about overall results of hair transplants correlation to the harvesting techniques among experienced hair transplant surgeons.Continue reading →
Is Hair Transplant Painful?Aug 12, 2019Experiencing hair loss can be very stressful. As hair transplant procedures become very popular around the world, many patients wonder if this procedure is painful and difficult.Continue reading →
Who Can Benefit From Hair Restoration SurgeryJul 23, 2019Since the popularity of hair transplantation in the recent years, many are asking if they can benefit from this procedure. It is critical to know that not every one is a good candidate and in may cases medical hair treatment is a viable option.Continue reading →
Cosmetic Surgery Abroad Nearly Kills A PatientJun 20, 2019There has been news lately of people who travel abroad and opt out for a discounted cosmetic procedure in Turkey. This decision can be costly in other ways as it could lead to infections and hospital costs after the procedure.Continue reading →
Hair Transplant Cost Los AngelesMay 13, 2019In order to find out the exact cost for your hair transplant surgery, the first step is to do a hair restoration consultation with a qualified hair restoration specialist. It is always a good idea to do research and find a few doctors...Continue reading →
Confessions of a Hair Transplant PatientApr 10, 2019The best hair transplant centers are the ones that are honest and can provide you with information that can help you decide the best treatment options customized to your needs and concerns. Continue reading →
Non Surgical Treatment Options For Hair Loss In WomenDec 03, 2018Hair loss in women can have a profound effect on their lives, especially younger ages as it impacts their self esteem, self image and one's relationships, career and life.Continue reading →
Foods That Help Prevent Hair LossNov 26, 2018There are many factors that contribute to hair loss one of which is nutritional deficiency. Crash diets and caloric deprivation of less than 1000 calories per day or sudden weight loss of more than 20 pounds...Continue reading →
Redesigning and Lowering Hair Line Using Hair Transplant SurgeryOct 18, 2018Some Consider hair to be the most aesthetic part of the face. As such, receding or unusual hair line can dominate one's appearance, drawing attention from other features of the face.Continue reading →
The Most Common Asked Questions About Hair Transplant ProcedureOct 08, 2018If you have decided on hair transplant procedure but still have have some questions or concerns, your hair restoration surgeon should be able to answer your questions during the consultation. Continue reading →
Using Body and Beard hair As Donor For Hair TransplantSep 25, 2018FUE or Follicular Unit Excision is one of two primary methods of harvesting follicular units or grafts from the donor area. This method is an option for donor hair excision individually using different sized punches without having to do a linear incision.Continue reading →
Some Things to Consider Before Deciding on Hair Transplant SurgeryAug 27, 2018If you have started to lose hair and looking for different treatment options, hair transplant surgery may be a viable option. But before deciding on hair transplant surgery, there are some things to consider that are very important.Continue reading →
Uncommon Causes of Hair lossAug 13, 2018Hair loss can be extremely difficult for people of all ages. Although the most common cause of hair loss is genetic alopecia, there are many other reasons one can experience hair loss.Continue reading →
What is the Proper Age to Do Hair Transplant Surgery?Jul 23, 2018Androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss and it is common fear amongst both men and women with family history of hair loss. In some cases the process of hair loss starts at a very young age.Continue reading →
FUT Gold Standard For Hair TransplantationJul 12, 2018With the summer season and hot weather just around the corner, many people are experiencing dry and itchy scalp. In some case it may be temporary and may be seasonal. Continue reading →
Coolest Hairstyles Of FIFA World Cup 2018Jul 05, 2018World cup football comes around once every four years but the players and their hair styles set the hair trends for men around the world. From players like Neymar to Ronaldo with variety of hair cuts and hair colors resurrect old styles...Continue reading →
Dry Scalp and Itchiness, Causes and Treatment OptionsApr 25, 2018With the summer season and hot weather just around the corner, many people are experiencing dry and itchy scalp. In some case it may be temporary and may be seasonal.Continue reading →
When is a Good Time to Consider Hair Transplant Surgery?Apr 18, 2018For the most part we are unaware that we are losing hair every day. We never stop to consider that the lost hair is also dead hair that has lived through the normal cycle of hair development.Continue reading →
New Hair Regeneration As A Solution For Treating Hair LossApr 02, 2018Hair loss effects approximately 50 million men and women in the United States alone. Although it is non life threatening condition, most people are concerned about their hair loss and seek professional help and advise.Continue reading →
Hair Care Products for Hair LossMar 19, 2018There are many nonsurgical products in the market for hair loss and sometimes it is confusing which one works and which does not work. Following are a list of products in the market and explanation of how they work and what to expect.Continue reading →
What is FUE Hair Transplant?Feb 28, 2018Many clients wonder what FUE stands for and if involves any surgery or any incisions into the scalp. FUE stands for Follicular Unit Excision which is a combination of incision into the scalp and extraction of the units from the scalp.Continue reading →
Factors That Determine the Cost for Hair Transplant SurgeryFeb 16, 2018If you are considering hair transplant, you may start to wonder about the cost for hair restoration procedure. The cost of your hair transplant procedure depends on many factors.Continue reading →
Trichotillomania Hairloss, Causes and Treatment Options - Meshkin MedicalJan 25, 2018Trichotillomania hair loss, causes and treatment options There are many different causes of hair loss. Usually hair loss is genetic, however there are some systemic or mental illnesses that cause hair loss.Continue reading →
PRP or Platelett Rich Plasma for Hair Restoration in Men and WomenJan 17, 2018PRP therapy has gained popularity as a non surgical treatment option for men and women in the initial stages of hair loss. PRP is a concentration derived from clients' own blood, It has growth factors that stimulate hair growth...Continue reading →
Who Can Benefit From FUE Hair TransplantDec 29, 2017If you have started to lose hair and looking for different treatment options, hair transplant surgery may be a viable option. But before deciding on hair transplant surgery it is a good idea to find out if you are a good candidate.Continue reading →
Correlation of Advanced Hair Loss and Heart DiseaseDec 20, 2017Recent studies show that there is a correlation between hair loss and heart diseases. In fact most of the studies show that a more advanced male pattern hair loss in the vertex and the crown area could be a visible sign of heart disease.Continue reading →
Hair Transplant, A Life Changing Solution to Hair LossDec 12, 2017Hair loss can have a profound psychosocial effect on people's lives, especially at a younger age it impacts one's self esteem and self confidence. Hair loss could also effect people's social relationships, career and sex life.Continue reading →
Miracle Cure For Hair Loss TreatmentDec 04, 2017Lately we have been getting many inquiries about different products that are being introduced in the market. Most if not all claim that they are the miracle new break through product that will cure hair loss.Continue reading →
Hair Facts and FunctionsNov 22, 2017Curently in the USA approximately 50 million men and women are affected by thinning hair. Hair undergoes a cyclic process, which begins with a hair development stage called anagen, then followed by hair death or catagen...Continue reading →
Other Hair And Scalp Disorders That Cause Hair LossNov 14, 2017In recent years there has been an increase in hair loss. Genetic pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss and it is generally permanent. However, there are other less common factors that could cause damage to hair shaft...Continue reading →
Donor Hair Options for Hair TransplantOct 30, 2017With popularity of hair transplants, many wonder if they have enough donor hair available to use for a natural looking hair transplant. When choosing donor hair for transplant, it’s best to choose scalp hair.Continue reading →
FUE vs FUT which is Better for Female Pattern Hair LossOct 17, 2017Hair loss patterns in women are typically different from those in men. Hair loss in women tends to be more diffuse than hair loss in men. The more characteristic female pattern is diffuse thinning over a considerable area of the scalp...Continue reading →
Best Body Hair Transplant in Irvine, CASep 22, 2017With the popularity of hair transplant, some are wondering if body hair restoration is possible or if body hair can be used for hair transplantation. Many celebrities with trendy beards and thicker eyebrows...Continue reading →
Most Popular Hair Restoration WorldwideSep 11, 2017Men and women worldwide are getting hair transplant procedures in greater numbers than in the past. As hair transplant procedures become more popular in the recent years, many people are seeking facial hair transplant as well as hair treatment...Continue reading →
Expected Results After Hair Transplant SurgeryAug 29, 2017Hair transplantation is a very safe, and relatively minor surgical procedure. It is an out patient procedure performed under local anesthesia while the patient is relaxed either watching T.V or sleeping.Continue reading →
New Cancer Drugs Turn Patient's Hair From Gray to BrownAug 11, 2017Hair gets its color from pigment called melanin that is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes in the hair follicle. The amount of melanin produced, and in what quantity is determined by genes inherited from One's parents.Continue reading →
Why Hair Turns Gray and Can Gray Hair Be Transplanted?Aug 04, 2017There are many misconceptions about gray hair, how it can be prevented and if there is any treatment available. To answer this question there needs to be an understanding about how hair turns gray and if graying is as a result of unhealthy hair.Continue reading →
Modern Trichophytic Closure Technique in Hair TransplantationJul 31, 2017With today's more advance harvesting techniques for hair transplant procedures, thousands of hairs can be transferred from one area to the other. The two harvesting techniques that are the most popular are the FUE and the FUT methods.Continue reading →
Tests Available for Diagnosis and Prediction of Hair LossJul 20, 2017Up until recent years there had not been a precise technology to measure and predict the exact amount of future hair loss. However in the last few years, there has been development in devises and tests that can help evaluate or predict hair loss.Continue reading →
Cell Therapy and Cloning For HairlossJul 12, 2017There is alot of talk about stem cells, cloning and their effect on hair growth. To understand cloning, it is necessary to know how cloning works on cellular level and realistically what To expect.Continue reading →
How Does Propecia Work and What are Some of the Possible Side Effects?Jun 28, 2017There are many undocumented medical cures for hair loss that have been circulated the market for years, you can either blindly accept the claims or you can do research to make sure that these products are reliable.Continue reading →
Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?Jun 13, 2017One of the most distressing forms of anxiety both in men and women is hair loss. In recent years there has been many studies done that proves the profound psychological effects of hair loss in people's lives.Continue reading →
Does Too Much or Too Little Shampooing Cause Hair Loss?Jun 01, 2017There are many different shampoos and conditioners promoting healthier hair and decreased hair loss. The question arise as to the effects of hair care products and if shampooing too much or too little makes any difference in the overall health of scalp...Continue reading →
What is a NEOGRAFT Hair Restoration Technique?May 26, 2017With the popularity of hair transplantation many questions arise as to the so called modern methods and the difference between each technique. Most clients wonder if harvesting is the only thing they need to worry about...Continue reading →
Can Hair Be Transplanted From One Person To Another Person?May 22, 2017As hair transplant procedure becomes more popular some are considering transplanting from another person. The question arise amongst clients with limited donor, if this is a viable possibility. Continue reading →
Does Low Calorie Diet Cause Hair Loss?May 08, 2017There are certain vitamins that are essential for health of your hair. Your daily food intake should contain adequate vitamins and nutrition per day. Should you decide to engage in a weight loss program...Continue reading →
How to Select a Qualified Hair Restoration SurgeonApr 27, 2017With today's highly sophisticated techniques such as highly refined Microscopic follicular unit transplantation, it is of utmost importance to make a careful selection of the doctor and his or her staff. Continue reading →
Classification of Male Pattern Hair lossApr 17, 2017Currently in the United states there are approximately 50 million men and women that are affected by some type of hair loss. the most common form of hair loss in both is Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia.Continue reading →
Hair Loss in Women and Treatment OptionsApr 10, 2017Hair loss has been an issue for men, but in recent years there has been an increase in women experiencing hair loss problems. In men, the most likely cause of hair loss is Androgenetic Alopecia, also known as genetic male pattern hair loss.Continue reading →
Meshkin Medical Hair Restoration Clinic Wins RealSelf 100 AwardApr 03, 2017Los Angeles,California, Dr. Mike Meshkin, hair restoration specialist in Southern Ca, is Recognized as Top Social Influencer in Hair transplant and Hair restoration Surgery.Continue reading →
Hair Loss Related to Testosterone Therapy and SupplementsApr 03, 2017Currently in the United States more than 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing forms of hair loss is Male Pattern hair loss which is genetically predetermined.Continue reading →
Eyebrow Hair TransplantMar 16, 2017As hair transplant procedures become more popular in the recent years, many people wonder if facial hair can also be performed. Many celebrities with trendy beards and thicker eyebrows...Continue reading →
Top Vitamins and Nutrients That Are Needed for Healthy HairMar 03, 2017There are many beauty products that claim to help hair loss. Products can be helpful to prevent hair breakage and split ends. They can also help with dry or oily scalps that also cause hair loss.Continue reading →
Using Cooling Cap for Hair Loss Prevention in Cancer PatientsFeb 24, 2017Your hair needs as much attention as your body. There are many factors for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair. If you are in good general health, you will have healthy hair but if you are in poor physical and mental condition...Continue reading →
The Effects of Seasonal Temperatures on Hair LossFeb 06, 2017Throughout our life span, we lose hair everyday as follicles go through their normal cycle of growth. The average number of scalp hairs lost daily from the head due to normal catagen activity is up to 100 strands.Continue reading →
Maintaining a Healthy Hair by Using the Proper Hair Care ProductsJan 06, 2017Your hair needs as much attention as your body. there are many factors for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair. If you are in good general health, you will have healthy hair.Continue reading →
Post op Care After Hair Transplant ProcedureDec 16, 2016Once hair transplant procedure is completed there are some precautions that need to be taken by the patient to ensure that the results are optimal. Usually each clinic has a routine that makes the post op care easy for their clients.Continue reading →
Gray Hair, Causes and Treatment OptionsDec 05, 2016At some point in people's lives their hair turns gray, which could be normal or cause feeling of anxiousness or frustration if it is experienced at a young age. Many people with gray hair frequently ask if gray hair is normal or it could be prevented.Continue reading →
Does Genetics Play a Role in Hairloss ?Nov 14, 2016Currently in the USA, approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing forms of hair loss is Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss (MPHL).Continue reading →
How Do You Know You Are a Candidate for Hair Transplant?Oct 13, 2016You have decided on hair restoration and now are looking for a qualified hair restoration surgeon with the most advanced modern technique for the best result. It is important to know the facts about your hair loss so that you can make the right decision.Continue reading →
What Normal and Abnormal Hair Loss?Sep 06, 2016One of the most frequently asked questions asked is if the amount of hair loss is normal or abnormal. To answer that question we have to examine the clients degree of hair loss and hair count loss during a range of time period.Continue reading →
What is ARTAS and Neograft FUE Hair Transplant Technique?Aug 30, 2016With the popularity of hair transplantation many questions arise as to the so called modern methods and the potential side effects of the procedure. With today's more advance harvesting techniques thousands of hairs can be transferred...Continue reading →
Beard Transplants: The Before and After In Los AngelesAug 01, 2016Some men look great with a bare, clean shaven face. They have the facial features that look best exposed and defined. However, there are some who would look great with a good beard because it emphasizes on their jawline...Continue reading →
Beard Transplant Cost Newport BeachAug 01, 2016Before you opt for any cosmetic surgery, your main concerns are its effects and cost. Many people believe that such surgeries are a waste of money, even though they help increase your confidence and give you features and enhancements you desire.Continue reading →
Special Offers – Best Hair Transplant in Los AngelesJul 26, 2016Hair transplant in Los Angeles can be expensive, especially if you have a large area to cover and might need more than 2000 grafts to see good results. Most people hesitate to spend too much money on the procedure...Continue reading →
How to Prepare for Hair SurgeryJul 26, 2016Hair surgeries and transplants have become very popular in the recent years because people can now get easy access to information about these procedures. Because this is a medical procedure...Continue reading →
Hair Transplant Is A Lifetime InvestmentJul 26, 2016Many people suffer some thinning hair and baldness, which can have a negative impact on their appearance. Most people feel insecure and suffer from a lack of confidence if they have thinning hair and are eventually forced to go completely bald...Continue reading →
Hair Loss in Women - ReasonsJul 26, 2016It’s rare for women to experience severe hair loss; and baldness is more prominent in men than it women. But this doesn’t mean that it can’t happen because many suffer from hair loss and bald patches today. Continue reading →
Dr. Meshkin – The Leader In Hair Loss SolutionsJul 26, 2016When you undergo any medical procedures, it’s important to choose the right doctor for the job because your health depends on it. This is especially true with regards to hair transplant in Los Angeles.Continue reading →
Start Your Journey – The Hair Restoration ProcessJul 26, 2016People spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on their hair every year. They do this because they understand their hair is an important part of their overall beauty and appearance.Continue reading →
Why You Should Get an Eyebrow Restoration Procedure DoneJul 26, 2016Stylists, beauticians, and professionals in the beauty industry often emphasize on the importance of eyebrows. High-end makeup brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills, Benefit, MAC, etc, introduce brow tints, fills, and pencils on a regular basis.Continue reading →
Hair Transplants for Women – Why Should You Get It?Jul 26, 2016Women spend thousands of dollars on their hair. They purchase the best shampoos and conditioners, use hair serums, oils, and masks to keep it healthy. They also use hair colors, curling irons, and straighteners to style it according to their needs.Continue reading →
Do Beard and Eyebrow Hair Transplants Look Natural?Jul 25, 2016Beard are such a prominent feature of a man's face that it’s important to ensure that they’re well-groomed and trimmed. They have a massive impact on your facial features and give it definition and structure.Continue reading →
Baldness is Now a Choice – Request Your Hair Loss Consultation NowJul 25, 2016Very few people would willingly choose baldness over a full head of hair. There are some who look great without hair because they have fantastic bone structure that’s emphasized by the lack of hair. Continue reading →
What is Best Modern Hair Restoration Technique for Hair Transplants?Jul 19, 2016So you're in the Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange County, Irvine area(s) and you have decided on hair restoration and now are looking for a qualified hair restoration surgeon with the most advanced modern technique for the best result.Continue reading →
Alopecia Areata: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment OptionsJul 01, 2016One of the common causes of hair loss in men and women is Alopecia Areata. This is a condition that results in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere, It usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth patches.Continue reading →
How to Choose the Most Qualified Hair Restoration SurgeonJun 06, 2016With the popularity of hair transplantation on the rise, so many doctors are adding Hair transplant to their practice. As so many doctors offer hair transplant, how can clients choose the most qualified doctor that offer the best hair transplant?Continue reading →
What Are Some of the Side Effects Associated With Hair Loss Medications?May 31, 2016There are currently many hair care products that are used to help improve thinning hair. among these products, the most commonly used are Propecia and Minoxidil. Continue reading →
Does Dandruff Cause Hair LossMay 12, 2016Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss? There are many causes of hair loss; the most common cause of hair loss is Androgenic Alopecia. However, there are conditions other than Androgenic Alopecia that may cause hair loss.Continue reading →
Contributing Factors Hair Transplant Surgery Hair Transplant Cost Los Angeles Meshkin MedicalApr 28, 2016If you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning you can contact us at (949) 219-0027 to schedule for a free consultation or visit our website at reading →
Best Hair transplant San Diego , Stem Cell Regeneration on Hair Follicles Growth ProcessApr 15, 2016Stem Cell Regeneration on Hair Follicles Growth Process It is a great mystery how a human hair follicle goes through a cyclic growth process. Hair follicles are one of the few organs or tissues of the human body that undergo cyclic degeneration...Continue reading →
Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?Mar 24, 2016Currently in the United States approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing form of hair loss is hereditary which is permanent and progressive. Continue reading →
A Review of the Best Hair Restoration Solution for Hair LossMar 24, 2016It is a fact that hair transplants of yesterday appear nothing like today's modern natural hair transplants. With improvements in both harvesting hair transplant techniques and also Ultra Refined Follicular Unit hair restoration in the recipient areas...Continue reading →
A Review of the Post Op Care and Hair Loss Maintenance After Hair TransplantMar 07, 2016As the popularity of hair restoration surgery rises and more people consider hair transplant as viable treatment option for hair loss, the question arises for the safety of the procedure, the post-op care and maintenance of the transplanted hair.Continue reading →
Who Can Benefit From Hair Restoration Surgery?Feb 29, 2016Hair restoration is going through very important evolution that is improving both the naturalness and fullness that can be achieved from one or two hair transplant procedure.Continue reading →
Latest Tests for Diagnosis and Prediction of Future Hair Loss - Best Hair Transplant Los AngelesFeb 16, 2016Latest Tests for Diagnosis and prediction of future hair loss Men and women are affected Currently in USA approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. Continue reading →
Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies as Alternatives to Slow Down Hair Loss - Hair ImplantFeb 08, 2016Homeopathic and herbal treatments There are many people who believe in natural homeopathic and herbal treatments for for hair loss. Although the results are not proven scientifically, they have become very popular among young people...Continue reading →
Best Modern Hair Transplant Vs. Old Hair Transplants Los Angeles San Diego Newport BeachJan 20, 2016Best modern hair transplant vs. old hair transplants in Los Angeles, San Diego, Newport beach. Hair transplant facts It is a fact that hair transplants of yesterday appear nothing like todays' modern natural hair transplant. Continue reading →
Expected Results After Hair Transplant Surgery Best Hair Transplant Los AngelesJan 07, 2016Expected Results After Hair Transplant Surgery The expected result The expected result after hair restorations surgery is different from one person to another, however in general the hair usually sheds and will start to grow in after a few months.Continue reading →
Expected Results After Hair Transplant Surgery - Hair Transplant Cost Los AngelesDec 29, 2015Expected Results After Hair Transplant Surgery Hair Transplant surgery has become very popular in the past few years among men and women suffering from hair loss, The results of the hair restoration surgery varies from person to person.Continue reading →
What Are the Potential Side Effects of FUE Harvesting Technique? - FUE Hair Transplant Los AngelesDec 29, 2015What are the potential side effects of FUE harvesting technique? With the popularity of hair transplantation many questions arise as to the so called modern methods and the potential side effects of the procedure. Continue reading →
Reconstructive and Hairline Revisions Using the Most Modern and Best Hair Transplant TechniquesDec 28, 2015 Reconstructive and Hairline Revisions using the most modern and best Hair Transplant Techniques It is a fact that hair transplants of yesterday appear nothing like today's modern hair transplants.Continue reading →
What is the Best Comprehensive Approach to Hair Loss and FUE Hair Transplant ?Dec 09, 2015Most aesthetic part of the face Some consider the hair to be the most aesthetic part of the face and as such hair loss can be psychologically very devastating. A primary reason for seeking hair restoration is to restore your appearance to the condition...Continue reading →
Can Hair Transplant Be Used for Hairline Lowering? From Best Hair Transplant Doctor in Los AngelesDec 09, 2015Can hair transplant be used for hairline lowering? Hair transplant surgery Hair transplant surgery has become very popular among men and women in the past few years. Continue reading →
Hair Care Products Benefits for Hair Loss Medical Hair Transplants Los AngelesDec 09, 2015Cosmetic hair care products Cosmetic hair care products for grooming and styling can help improve one's image and life style. They can change your look, reshape your face and thereby make you look younger.Continue reading →
Hair Care Products For Hair LossDec 09, 2015Cosmetic hair care products for grooming and styling can help improve one's image and life style. They can change your look, reshape your face and thereby make you look younger. Continue reading →
Who Can Benefit from Hair Transplantation?Dec 09, 2015Hair transplantation Hair transplantation has become very popular procedure for the past few years among both women and men. Hair transplantation is a very safe, relatively minor surgical procedure.Continue reading →
What is the Best Hair Restoration for Hair Loss From Nutritional Deficiency or Diet in Los Angeles?Dec 09, 2015Good balanced diet It is important to have a good balanced diet to keep your hair healthy. Certain nutritional deficiencies are known to be directly associated with hair loss. Evidence of hair shedding can be noticed with mal-nutrition...Continue reading →
Most Common Hair Loss Questions Hair Restoration Hair Transplant Los AngelesDec 09, 2015What are some of most common hair loss questions? There are many frequently asked questions that are usually asked for hair loss. Here is a few questions and the answers to your questions.Continue reading →
Hairline Lowering, Design and PlanningDec 09, 2015Some consider hair to be the most aesthetic part of the face. As such when ones' #hair starts to thin and #hairline recedes it can have a profound effect on a face. The hairline is where the scalp hair borders the forehead and frames the face...Continue reading →
What to Expect During and After Hair Transplant Procedure?Dec 09, 2015Hair transplantation is a very safe, and relatively minor surgical procedure. Hair transplant is an outpatient procedure which is usually performed under local anesthesia while the patient is watching T.V, listening to music or sleeping. Continue reading →
What Are the Possible Causes of Hair Loss in Women?Dec 09, 2015Hair loss patterns in women are typically different from those in men. Hair loss in women tends to be more diffuse than hair loss in men. The most characteristic female pattern is diffuse thinning over an area of the scalp...Continue reading →
Cricketers Love of Hair TransplantDec 09, 2015Hair transplant has become very popular amongst athletes, specially cricketers. Here is a list of cricketers who have done hair transplant to regain their hair and their youth.Continue reading →
FUE Technique Using ARTS vs NEO GraftDec 09, 2015There are two different techniques for donor harvesting in hair transplants, one is FUT or the strip method and the other is FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a revival of the old punch technique obtaining donor hair with a small circular...Continue reading →
PRP and Acell as Non-surgical Treatment Option for Hair Loss?Dec 09, 2015There are different treatments for hair loss that are available in the market. One treatment option that has gained popularity specially among women is PRP and Acell.Continue reading →
Can Cosmetic Products Help With Hairloss?Dec 09, 2015For some patients with severe hair loss, cosmetic products can be the only viable option. These products are the only available option for those who have a strong family history of hair loss, and aggressive male pattern hair loss that began early.Continue reading →
What You Need to Know About ARTAS and NeoGraftDec 09, 2015ARTAS and NEOGRAFT There are two different techniques in harvesting hair from the donor area. One is the strip method or FUT and the other is the punch method or FUE. Basically, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a revival of the old punch technique...Continue reading →
Beard TransplantDec 09, 2015Beard transplant, can it be done? As the popularity of hair transplant to the scalp increases, a lot of people are also inquiring about other body parts for transplant. One area of interest is the beard transplant in men.They often ask if it is even possibContinue reading →
How to Select the Best Hair Transplant Doctor?Dec 09, 2015With the popularity of hair transplant surgery, many doctors who are not experienced in this field are starting to offer this service. Most doctor who offer Hair transplant do not do hair transplant on full time basis.Continue reading →
How To Estimate The Number of GraftsDec 09, 2015How do doctors estimate the number of grafts for a procedure? There are two ways to estimate how much #hair is sufficient for the degree of hair loss, and each doctors estimate may be different.Continue reading →
Is Hair Transplant Safe to Do in Unregulated Countries?Dec 09, 2015Hair Transplant in unregulated countries There are some people that are willing to travel to unregulated countries to have hair transplant or other cosmetic surgical procedures for the cost. Continue reading →
Did You Know That Hair Goes Through Cycle of Growth?Dec 09, 2015Hair growth undergoes a cyclic process, which begins with a hair development stage called anagen, then followed by hair death or catagen, and ends with follicle rest or telogen. A full anagen-catagen-telogen cycle can take years to complete.Continue reading →
Drugs That Help With Hair Loss and Their Side EffectsDec 09, 2015There are two FDA approved drugs that may help maintain hair and help with hair loss. These are Propecia and Minoxidil. There are no known harmful effects of either medication when used as directed by the manufacturer.Continue reading →
Hair Transplant CostDec 09, 2015Determining the cost of your hair transplant procedure depends on the degree of hair loss. There are many factors that effect the cost. Your donor hair has to be examined to determine the amount of quality donor hair that can be safely harvested.Continue reading →
Causes of Hair Loss and Treatment Options for Younger PatientsDec 09, 2015Currently in the USA, approximately 50 million men and women are affected by some type of hair loss. One of the most distressing forms of hair loss is Hereditary Androgenic Alopecia, also known as male pattern hair loss (MPHL).Continue reading →
How to Select the Best Hair Transplant Doctor?Aug 13, 2015With today’s highly sophisticated techniques such as highly Refined Micro-scopic Follicular Unit transplantation, it is of utmost importance to make a careful selection of the doctor and his/her staff.Continue reading →
What Are the Different Procedural Aspects of Hair Transplantation?May 27, 2015Many people are under the impression that FUE or FUT are the names of the overall hair transplant technique, this is not true. There are two procedural aspects to hair transplantation. Continue reading →
Do Crash Diets Cause Hair Loss?May 26, 2015Crash diets and caloric deprivation of less than 1000 calories per day or sudden weight loss of more than 20 pounds have been reported to be associated with hair loss. The evidence of hair shedding can be noticed one month after the diet begins.Continue reading →
FUE Technique Using Robatic Vs Neograft InstrumentMay 18, 2015There are two different techniques for donor harvesting in hair transplants, one is FUT or the strip method and the other is FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a revival of the old punch technique obtaining donor hair with a small circular cutting...Continue reading →
What Are the Different Aspects When Choosing Best Hair Transplant Technique?May 06, 2015There are two procedural aspects to hair transplantation. One is the harvesting of the grafts from the donor area and the other is the design, distribution and placement of the units into the recipient area. Continue reading →
Does Stress Cause Hair Loss? - Meshkin Medical Hair Implant Cost Los AngelesApr 24, 2015Does stress cause hair loss? Yes it does. Stress can cause many issues in ones health and well being, one being hair loss. Stress has been linked to hair loss, as it may accelerate already genetically programmed hair loss.Continue reading →
Best Hair Transplant in Irvine Using State-of-the-Art TechnologyApr 08, 2015Best Hair Transplant Irvine Hair loss can have a profound psychological effect on people's lives as it impacts one's self esteem, self image, relationships and careers. It can significantly alter individuals' self perception...Continue reading →
Hair Transplant in Los Angeles Best and AffordableApr 08, 2015Hair Transplant Los Angeles Some consider hair to be the most aesthetic part of the face. The primary reason for seeking hair transplant is to restore the appearance to the condition before hair loss began.Continue reading →
Best Hair Restoration in GlendaleApr 08, 2015Hair Loss and Restoration There are more than 50 million men and women that are affected by hair loss in the United States. There are several different causes of hair loss, the most distressing form is hereditary.Continue reading →
Is Scalp Micro Pigmentation a Viable Option for Hair Loss?Apr 08, 2015Hair loss can be devastating for men and women. In many cases it is due to genetic pre-disposition and can be treated by either medical regiment or Hair transplantation.Continue reading →
Psychological Effect of Hair Loss on Men and WomenApr 02, 2015Hair loss can have a profound psychological effect on people's lives as it impacts one's self esteem, self image, relationships and careers. It can significantly alter individuals' self perception and make them hyper aware of other peoples' perception...Continue reading →
Natural Hair Loss, Best Hair Transplant Los Angeles and Orange County Hair RestorationFeb 22, 2015Natural hair loss or genetic? Thinning hair has been a question for both men and women through out history. For most men and women, hair thinning is just devastating. The question becomes at what point hair thinning...Continue reading →
Cause of Increase in Hair Loss in WomenFeb 22, 2015Is the increase in hair loss in recent years in women environmental or genetic? Over the past ten years there is alarming increase in number of women that suffer from hair loss.Continue reading →
How to Select a Hair Transplant Surgeon?Jan 28, 2015Despite popular belief not all transplants are the same. A successful transplant depends mainly on the skills and expertise of the surgeon. So make sure you ask the right questions before making your decisions.Continue reading →
Want to Regain Your Hair? Hair Loss is No Longer an Inevitable March to Baldness.Jan 20, 2015Medical advances in treatment of hair loss in the recent years can stop or reverse the thinning of hair. Male pattern baldness is usually caused as a result of a genetic disposition.Continue reading →
Does Proper Diet Effect Hair?Jan 15, 2015Although there is nothing wrong with growing old gracefully, most people want to hold on to their hair for as long as they could, perhaps that explains the growing popularity of hair care products and vitamins.Continue reading →
What Causes Hair Loss?Jan 15, 2015The most distressing forms of hair loss is Hereditory Androgenic Alopecia, also known as male pattern and female pattern hair loss. Inaddition to the heriditory common cause, there are other common causes that are associated with losing hair.Continue reading →
Hair Loss Awareness Month: Alopecia AreataJan 06, 2015In light of hair loss awareness month, we are going to review a type of hair loss that has become more prominent in the recent years. This condition is called Alopecia Areata.Continue reading →
Break Bad Habits, Not HairNov 19, 2014When hair loss is not hereditary or medical, it’s usually attributed to external bad treatment of hair. Unhealthy hair habits can lead to hair loss. Continue reading →