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Learn About Our All-Natural, Surgery-Free Hair Loss Solutions (Acell & PRP)

Jul 11, 2024
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As a field of medical science, regenerative medicine focuses on enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself. Nonsurgical hair restoration is an exciting application that stimulates growth in an all-natural way.

Regenerative medicine is an exciting field in medical science, focused on enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself. One of the encouraging features of regenerative therapies is the wide range of applications being found for many of these techniques. 

Meshkin Medical specializes in hair restoration, including transplants and other hair loss solutions. We’re proud to offer our patients an all-natural and surgery-free hair restoration treatment using ACell® in combination with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. 

Depending on your hair loss history and personal diagnosis, ACell with PRP may be the solution you need to restore full and rich hair growth without the need for transplant surgery. 

Conditions for healing

Counteracting hair loss requires new hair follicles. In the case of hair transplants, we harvest healthy follicles and relocate them to stand in for lost follicles in bald spots. 

Regenerative hair restoration targets new hair follicles in a far more literal way. Simply, we set up conditions in the body so that you have the resources to regrow hair follicles through the power of stem cells and growth hormones. 

Along with these resources, your body needs a third element for healing called a scaffold. Consider a broken bone. If the broken pieces are close together, your bone can heal on its own. 

When there’s a major fracture with space between the bone pieces, you may need a bone graft to provide a platform — or scaffold — to bridge the gap with new growth. In some cases of hair loss, a similar scaffold concept helps attract the conditions necessary for the regrowth of hair follicles. 

ACell MatriStem®

We use a naturally occurring biocompatible material called ACell MatriStem to act as a scaffold in the regeneration of hair follicles. ACell attracts stem cells to the treatment area while also triggering new blood vessel growth. 

Stem cells on their own have no function. When used as part of a healing process, stem cells transform into differentiated cells, tissue with specific functions needed to promote healing. 

The role of PRP

Human growth hormones are chemical messengers that help to guide this conversion of stem cells into differentiated cells. One source of these growth hormones resides in your own blood. 

Known for their ability to form blood clots, platelets also supply growth hormones to help direct healing processes. Platelets are easily isolated from a small sample of your blood, about the same amount as used for typical blood testing.

Mixed with a small amount of plasma, the resulting serum is easily injectable into the same location as ACell MatriStem tissue. This combination improves the efficiency of new follicle formation. 

The process offers promising results for both women and men. Since women with genetic hair loss have few other treatment options, this is exciting news. 

Find out more about the combination of ACell and PRP for treating your pattern baldness condition. Call or click to make an appointment with our nearest office today.